I really enjoy this picture of the painting "The Geographer" by Johannes Vermeer because the realistic color and detail add life to the work. This painting reminds me of the book
Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliet, which first interested me in Vermeer's works. I also enjoy the color contrast of the Geographer's blue and red robe with the bright rug and the more bland background because the colors focus the eye.
- Proportion-- the sizing of the wall map and the cabinet are relative to the size of the Geographer.
- Color-- the robes adds emphasis to his figure.
- Texture -- the folds add depth and a realistic feel to the rug.
I like this picture because it is almost inspiring, in a way. The courage of the small "Captain America," trying to defend another kid, is touching and almost comical. I also like the small details, such as the discarded milk carton, which give the picture a feeling of depth. However, my favorite aspect is the facial expressions of the three children. The "nerdy" kid looks confused and worried, the "bully" looks surprised and annoyed, while the miniature "Captain America" looks grimly determined.
- Balance-- the positions of the boys are used to help the eye flow throughout the painting
- Proportion-- to emphasize the relative sizes of the boys.
- Movement-- the dynamic postures of the boys.
- Color-- the contrast of the bully (in darker clothing) and "Captain America" (in brighter blue, red, and white) also create emotion and character.
I enjoy this picture because, frankly, I enjoy reading and if I ever walked into a room like this I would die of happiness. I like the group of people in the back left of the picture because they add a sense of scale to the picture, creating a feeling of awe stemming from the sheer size of the room. I also like the sense of
space and grandeur that the picture imparts with the sloping floor and the immense wall of books.
- Proportion-- the size of the people in the background.
- Balance-- the immense wall of books and the huge, sloping floor.
- Color-- the darker books contrast with the lighter floor and ceiling.
- Pattern-- the books are arranged in a pattern.
- Space-- the lack of any major interrupting objects gives the picture a feeling of space.
I like this picture because it makes me feel astonished at the awesome power and beauty of nature. I also enjoy the ambiguous shapes within the picture, particularly the shapes of the lightning and the clouds because they seem somehow threatening. Finally, I like the simple color scheme within this picture: the mostly dark clouds and scenery cause the lightning and reflected light to almost glow.
- Emphasis, Color-- the position and color of the lightning make it the focus of the picture.
- Line, Movement-- the shape of the lightning gives it a feeling of motion.
- Space-- the mostly empty background gives the lightning a feeling of immense size because it fills much of the space.
- Texture-- the curves and lighting of the clouds give it a realistic look.
I enjoy this picture because it amuses me and makes me laugh. The comical expression on the squirrel's face adds a touch of humor to the picture, while the blurred tail and the suspended ice makes me feel as though I am personally seeing the squirrel. The vivid contrast of the red fur against the white snow also adds character and a lifelike feel to the picture.
- Emphasis, Color-- the bright color of the squirrel helps make it the focal point of the picture.
- Movement-- the suspended ice crystals and dynamic posture of the squirrel.
- Texture-- the the fluffiness of the fur and the slight patterns in the snow.
I enjoy this picture because it impresses me with it's attention to detail and surprising elements. The use of light glare makes me feel as if I am looking through a window into another world. The cities, both upside down and right side up, that appear to be on the "Solidarity" intrigue me, and cause me to wonder at the true scale of the ship that is only seen partly emergent from the clouds. Finally, the use of realistic colors in the picture causes me to feel almost as if the image is of an ordinary nature, despite its extraordinary subject.
- Line-- the trails of light and exhaust all lead to the flying city.
- Color-- the use of shadow, light, and glare add realism to the picture. Also, the orange, pink, and purple colors of the clouds give a sense of sunrise or sunset.
- Proportion-- the size of the buildings on the ship in relation to the ship itself, as well as the sizes of the smaller ships.
- Movement, Balance-- asymmetrical with the large "Solidarity" and the smaller ship in the front right balancing each other and creating a flow for the eye to follow.

I enjoy this picture because it seems both ordinary and extraordinary, while retaining an edge of mystery. The cool greens, browns, and grays of the image have a calming effect upon my mind and make me feel as though I am in the middle of a distant forest. The mist gives the image an edge of uncertainty, which makes me wonder what is further down the path that I cannot see. Finally, the muted lighting gives the image an otherworldly feel, as though the forest were merely a shadow of itself, which intrigues me.
- Line-- the trees act as vertical lines, suggesting loftiness and balance. The slight curves of the path suggest restfulness.
- Color-- the green evokes nature, life, and refreshment.
- Proportion-- the relatively larger size of the trees in the foreground and the smaller trees in the background.
- Emphasis, Space-- the open path creates space between the trees and forms a point of emphasis.
I enjoy this picture because it surprises me. The diver swimming past the submerged bench, over the grass, looks very strange, almost as if he were flying instead of floating. I also enjoy the distorted reflection on the water's surface. Despite it's unusual subject, the browns, greens, and grays and the picture are calming, and make me slightly sleepy.
- Balance-- asymmetrical between the diver and the bench.
- Line-- the slightly diagonal lines of the bench are confusing, but the slight curve of the water's surface is graceful and restful.
- Color-- the blue of the watery background adds coolness to the image, while the green adds a feeling of life and nature. The shocking red of the diver's suit seems very out of place.
- Texture-- the ripples of the water's surface, the flowing of the grass.
I enjoy this picture because it reminds me of winter, and thus Christmas and times spent with family. The elongated shapes of the icicles around the berries and the casing of ice around the branch makes me feel a slight chill of cold and anticipation for the colder seasons to come. The red of the branch and berries, contrasting with the green of the grass and translucent white of the ice, also reminds me of the eventual spring that will drive the cold away melt the ice.
- Color-- the red of the berries evokes passion, but the white ice, representing purity, encases the berries. The green of the grass adds life to the image.
- Line, Pattern-- the complex web of branches creates a pattern for the eye to follow throughout the picture.
- Balance-- the near symmetry of the branches.
- Emphasis-- the bright, contrasting color of the berries.
I like this picture because it contains a page from a book and makes me feel calm. I enjoy the simple color scheme of the image because it emphasizes the shapes and words within the picture more than the colors. Finally, I also like this picture because the use of the small curved glass piece emphasizes the words
love and
light, words with strong positive connotations for me.
- Balance-- asymmetrical formed by the glass and empty space.
- Emphasis-- the bending of light around the words love and light creates emphasis.
- Line-- the vertical "lines" within letters suggest balance, power, and support, while the curved lines in the letters suggest grace.
- Color-- the lack of bright color adds more focus to the shapes and lines.
- Shape-- the circular piece of glass suggests completeness.