Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Final Exam

I used this tutorial to create my snowflake pattern:
I used my previously created gift boxes and ornaments, and I created my own star without using a tutorial. To make the star glow, I used a gaussian blur and stylize>outer glow until I liked the look.
This is my pattern portion:
And this is my completed pattern:

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gift Boxes

These boxes took FOREVER. Dividing the ribbon to make it weave between the boxes was difficult because the tutorial didn't explain how to divide shapes, but I like the way it turned out overall. Making the wrapping paper gradients was fun, and making the shapes 3D was interesting.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Holiday Ornament

Yay for Christmas! Anyway, this is the ornament I made following this tutorial. I liked creating the scatter brush and then modifying the transparency and the Gaussian blue to make the snow, but making the tree reflection was more difficult because the tutorial left out a step. I like the way the burst pattern and the snow give the image a feeling of depth and motion.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dirty Water

I thought the dirty water tutorial was easy (and the water drop is just cute), but sometimes it was hard to find the correct shades of brown for the gradients in the water drop. I also really liked using the new art brush to make sediment in the water drop.