Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"On My Own" Les Misérables Project, part 3

This is the colored version of the previous video, with some slight modifications to the text. The color palette I used is from, and is a Les Misérables color scheme (I used #477494, #9fbfde, #72706e, and #fefefe). I used these colors to help convey the tone and subject of the song.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"On My Own" Les Misérables Project, part 2

This is the newer version of my "On My Own" typography video. Now the text is in sync with the audio and fades in instead of just appearing. I think that "On" may disappear from the screen at the very end of the video, but I've already started to fix that. I plan to change the color scheme and the way some of the words appear on the screen.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Random Photoshop Fun

So I was taking candid photos of my friends before prom, and this priceless moment happened. I decided it needed to be immortalized forever, so naturally I put the original image through various photoshop filters just for fun. I personally like the first modification more than the second, but it was also more complex. For the first image, I changed the levels, curves. brightness, and saturation and threw a few filters and fill layers over everything. For the second image, I messed with the levels and saturation before using gaussian blurs and a few noise filters.

Monday, May 6, 2013

On My Own-Timing

This is a continuation of my earlier post. I finally finished putting in all of the lyrics to "On My Own" and adjusting the timing with the audio. However, near the end the audio seemed to cut short, and I'm not sure what's causing the error.