Monday, September 12, 2011

Quote Typing

First Quote: Style Elements and Principles:
  • Color--The red and blue colors create different feels for the words "in" and "out." "Out" is red, and so has a more aggressive feel than the calmer blue "in."
  • Emphasis--The red and blue type create emphasis on the words "in" and "out."
  • Shape--The shape of the text as a whole is similar to a small upwards triangle within a larger downward facing triangle, which leads the eye downwards to the end of the quote.
  • Balance--The words "in" and "out" are in the middle of the quote, giving it symmetrical balance.
Second Quote: Style Elements and Principles:
  • Color--The brown edging around the blue on the first part of the quote constrains (or fences) the blue, helping to interpret the quote.
  • Emphasis--The unedged blue text has more visual impact than the rest, thus drawing the eye towards the words. The all capital "in" and "out" also give emphasis to those words.
  • Line--The elongated characters in the text subtly suggest loftiness and power.


  1. It is a cool quote. The elements and principles of design you used were good too. It has a nice use of color as well.

  2. I like the top one. its in formal and makes me feel good. the typography is good overall, the text is easy to read, and it just looks good. the second one is ok,but it seemed a bit harder to reaed

  3. Good quote, but why did you do it twice? i like how on the first one you put the emphasis on the "in" and "out". it gave the quote a nice touch. i also like how the alignment on the first one is centered, because it gives it a nice jagged kind of feeling. you might want to change the font though, because it doesn't flow as well as it should and is kind of hard on the eyes to read. Overall the unity was pretty good though.

  4. Confusing quote. The colors made it pop out and there good in that way but red was a little random. The font was also big but you should have made wide world bold so it looks wider.

  5. Good quote from a great author, I like what you did with the colors in the second one. On the first one, for some reason i dislike the word "out" in red, think it could have looked better in blue

  6. goood qoute. the red and blue pop out the most. but the red is randomly there, change the color of that.

  7. Like the quote, but maybe change the font and color for the second one. maybe for the second quote bold "cannot" and "out"

  8. maybe curve the words a little to make a fence with the words. that would add mega typography points to it haha

  9. I like the quote but you may consider changing the font. It didn't flow as well and I ended up getting confused.

  10. I like the top quote. It has good typography and alignment. The second one just didn't seem as good as the first one. Maybe change the font on the second one to make it look better.
